Marine Science Training and Education Research
The meaning behind our name…
KeaoaLo‘e can be interpreted as ‘the enlightenment provided by Loʻe’ or ‘the world of Loʻe’. The capital “L” is intentional, to honor Lo‘e, who in mo‘olelo came to He‘eia from the ‘Ewa side of O‘ahu along with her three brothers. Lo‘e took up residence on this small basaltic island in the south of Kāne‘ohe Bay, lending to the name Moku o Lo‘e.
Our Mission
Our mission is to understand how our students best learn science, and using this information, along with place-based pedagogies, create educational pathways for the next generation of Hawai‘i’s ocean scientists, managers, and stewards. Our programs support high school level students and classes, recent graduates and early undergraduates interested in marine related STEM degrees, while also training graduate students and postdocs working at the intersection of marine science and education research.